Hey Small Business Owner,
Today on the blog, our founder and CCO is highlighting 8 reasons why writing things down impacts your small business.
Let’s jump right into it!
1.✍️ Writing Things Down Improves Your Attention Span.
Over the last decade, attention spans have shrunk by 50%. I wouldn’t argue this. Some days I feel my attention span is the size of a gnat. To combat this, and focus, I write things down.
It’s something about that ink to paper that solidifies things. I wrote my entire Master’s Thesis on the fight between print and digital and if digital technology would wipe out the print industry. Let me just tell you. Book sales are up due to Coronavirus. It’s been my number one purchase of 2020. 📚
2. ✍️ Writing Things Down Clears Your Mind.
There are many things fighting for our attention these days. Writing is a good way to clear your mental cache!
I usually fall asleep immediately after journaling at night. 😴
3. ✍️ Writing Things Down Clarifies Your Goals, Priorities, and Intentions.
Do you set daily intentions for yourself? Where do you store them? Having clear goals written down is way more impactful than storing them in your brain. Do a brain dump.
Write your goals in the Dream Therapy Journal, available in our shop! 📗
4. ✍️ Writing Things Down Keeps You Motivated.
Say hello to your internal accountability partner.
Keeping your goals visible is best and helps remind you of your purpose.
5. ✍️ Writing Things Down Helps You Process Thoughts and Feelings
When you put your emotions in writing, you can process your thoughts whether positive or negative at a much deeper level. It’s also a form of release or therapy whenever you’re feeling angry, depressed, or overwhelmed.
6. ✍️ Writing Things Down Encourages Daily Progress.
As a child my mom instilled in me the mantra, “I will finish what I start.”
I still recite it today.
Daily action is the fastest way to accomplish those lofty goals.
7. ✍️ Writing Things Down Enables Focused Action.
When your mind is clear, you are free to intellectually analyze and ask important questions.
Whether we’ve wanted to or not 2020 has forced us to evaluate our lives and what’s most important.
Writing your goals helps to remain focused on the task at hand. Whatever the task may be.
8. ✍️ Writing Things Down Cultivates An Attitude of Gratitude.
Rather than focus on what you don’t have. Keep a journal of the things you’re grateful for. My first published book was about the year I quit my corporate job and traveled the world. I was intentional about writing in my journal every day for 11 months. Every day I found something to be grateful for. It kept me grounded and helped me to remain in the present moment no matter where I was.
Writing down the things you’re grateful for helps you connect with everything that’s important to you.
If you need a special tool to write things down. Visit our shop to purchase your Dream Therapy Journal and get to writing! ✍️